
Sunday 28 August 2011


The hunter and his dog                      
T’day the hunter left his house with his dogs
To hunt for games in the forest logs
Before the hunter pulls the long gun
The dog caught the game without a gun
The game is done and home they came
Yes the dog it was that caught the game

The dogs and hunter home they came
Now when it’s time to share the game
When the meat and fire came to fuse
The hunter came with breaking news
 Let no dog be let on the loose
Let no dog get close to the meet
These dogs are thieves don’t let them meet
Yet the dog it was that caught the meat

When meats are down from fire place
The dogs are bound they found no space
They lay on the floor with face of shame
Waiting for the meat that never came
At last the bone it was that took the blame
Yet the dog it was that caught the game

I am the dogs in chains aside
Mopping as my good wishes died
Watching the word as swift they stop
“Monkey dey work, baboon dey chop”

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